1. Click on your Name in the top right and then click "Edit Profile"

  2. You will be directed to an overview of your profile.  Next, click "Edit Profile"

  3. Scroll down to the "User Picture" section

  4. Either click and drag your photo into the box or click the file icon to upload a profile picture

  5. You will be presented with the "File picker" dialogue box if you you clicked the file icon.

  6. Click "Upload a file" on the left hand side and then "Choose File"

  7. Navigate to your profile picture, select it and click "Open"
  8. The description next to the "Choose File" button will be updated.  Click "Upload this file" to upload your profile picture

  9. Your profile picture will now be displayed in the "New picture" box

  10. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Update profile" to safe the changes